Saturday, September 16, 2006


Hope. Is it an emotion? Is it a thought? Or is it a force of nature? Everybody hopes for something. Dreams give rise to hope. The little child that you throw up in the air hopes that you catch him and when you do, his trust in you is reinforced. So Hope leads to Trust?! I guess so. Everyday we all hope that things go fine. Things go the way we want them to go. If they do, great! But, what if they don’t? Do we just hope more, or do we give up? Someone I care a lot about and respect had to say this, when I asked her what she thought of hope? She said, “ It can be good at times, or it can be illusive”. Good at times! How does one know if the hope that they are bearing in their hearts is Good! Or illusive? I guess no one knows. They are lessons to be learnt by getting hurt. You fall, you hurt yourself. You hope that the next time you jump across the pit, you wont fall. You run, you jump and you fall again. Hope grows, so does the depth of the pit. The more the hope, the bigger the fall. Now, am I confused between hope and expectations? It is well known that expectations lead to a downfall. But that my friend is the difference between an expectation and Hope. Cause with expectation, it’s a walk in, walk out scenario. It didn’t happen? It didn’t! But with Hope, there is still that factor of hoping against hope. That tiny glimmer of hope! The fisherman hopes that he can catch fish. His wife hopes that he gets back to shore safe. The fish hope they don’t get netted!! With hope is annexed- prayer! It is only the fatalist that can hope, cause it is only the fatalist that can pray. With prayer comes devotion and with devotion comes that one true pure emotion of all- LOVE. Food for thought.

1 comment:

Sloth said...

I think you would have come across this, Once Yaksha asked Yudhistira, "What is most wonderful thing in this world?"... He replied, "Every day people see around them others who are dying and all of us know that death is inevitable. But still people live with the hope that they will live on forever. What can be more wonderful than this HOPE?"...